דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים סלברייט מכריזה על יכולות פתרון משופרות לחקירות דיגיטליות
סלברייט מכריזה על יכולות פתרון משופרות לחקירות דיגיטליות
חיים נוי 21/03/23 |  צפיות: 371

סלברייט מכריזה על יכולות פתרון משופרות לחקירות דיגיטליות

Cellebrite DI Ltd., ספקית גלובלית מובילה של פתרונות בינה דיגיטלית (DI), הודיעה היום על ההשקה העולמית של Pathfinder X, חבילה מוגבהת של יכולות מבוססות בינה מלאכותית (AI) למגוון רחב של נתונים דיגיטליים ממקורות שונים שנועדו לספק יכולות קישוריות משופרות ותובנות חשובות לסוכנויות וצוותים העובדים באמצעות חקירות מורכבות.

Cellebrite Announces Enhanced Solution Capabilities for Digital Investigations

Cellebrite's latest AI-enabled Investigative Analytics Solution, Pathfinder X, equips investigators with new breadth of investigative tools and enterprise deployment options to support case resolution

PETAH TIKVA, Israel and TYSONS CORNER, Va., March 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE):

Cellebrite DI Ltd. (Nasdaq: CLBT), a leading global provider of Digital Intelligence (DI) solutions, announced today the global launch of Pathfinder X, an elevated suite of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled capabilities for a wide variety of digital data from various sources designed to provide enhanced connectivity capabilities and valuable insights to agencies and teams working through complex investigations.

“Cellebrite’s investigative analytics have long provided our investigative partners with trusted end-to-end digital intelligence solutions, leading to actionable evidence and accelerated justice outcomes,” says Ronnen Armon, Cellebrite’s Chief Products & Technologies Officer. “Today’s Pathfinder X launch brings a new level of trust and capability to our agency and customer teams as they work in an increasingly complex digital environment.”

Pathfinder X now offers:

  • Cloud deployment options on AWS and AzureVPC.
  • A hub and spoke deployment format idealfor geographically dispersed teams.
  • A new user management system with audittrails and group assignments to ensure enhanced security and compliancewith government and Federal security requirements, including FISMA.

Following digital data extraction, Pathfinder X seamlessly identifies connections in collected data, regardless of origin and lawful extraction technology, to more quickly and accurately pinpoint potential persons of interest based on their shared content and correlated actions. The software improves reporting services with location modeling that provides precise data mapping and the ability to identify data duplication – an important capability that streamlines and expedites investigations.

Pathfinder’s enhanced capabilities have already been deployed on several investigations including one pending case involving the Lake Jackson Police Department. After receiving a tip from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) of a suspect alleged to be in possession of Child Sex Abuse Materials (CSAM), notably containing a live child victim, the department used Cellebrite’s Pathfinder technology to strengthen its case.

“I collected CSAM evidence from a variety of data sources in this case and using Cellebrite Pathfinder’s powerful AI, I was able to process and compare known images of the child victim to the CSAM evidence, which has made this case stronger as it proceeds through the justice system,” says Detective Sergeant Chris Collins at the Department.

From the crime scene to the courtroom, Cellebrite is an established and trusted partner for investigative teams at the state, local and federal levels and used in jurisdictions around the world. Today’s Pathfinder announcement comes following significant investments in the technology including a $10 million contract with a European national police force and an agreement worth more than $1 million with a large Australian police force.

For more information about Cellebrite Pathfinder X, please visit here.

About Cellebrite

Cellebrite’s (Nasdaq: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice, and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Intelligence solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes. Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite’s Digital Intelligence platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more visit us at www.cellebrite.com, https://investors.cellebrite.com, or follow us on Twitter at @Cellebrite.

Cellebrite Contacts

Victor Cooper
Sr. Director of Corporate Communications + Content Operations
[email protected]
+1 404.804.5910

Andrew Kramer
Investor Relations
[email protected]
+1 973.206.7760

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 חיים נוי

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