דף הבית הודעות לעיתונות עסקים, מימון וכספים ג'טקס הוכרזה למפעילה הבלעדית של טרמינל המטוסים הפרטיים בנמל התעופה הבינלאומי הים האדום
ג'טקס הוכרזה למפעילה הבלעדית של טרמינל המטוסים הפרטיים בנמל התעופה הבינלאומי הים האדום
חיים נוי 09/12/24 |  צפיות: 124

ג'טקס הוכרזה למפעילה הבלעדית של טרמינל המטוסים הפרטיים בנמל התעופה הבינלאומי הים האדום

ג'טקס תפעיל את מסוף התעופה הפרטי של RSI בעקבות הסכם עם daa International

ריאד, 9 בדצמבר 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

Red Sea Global (RSG), המפתחת מאחורי יעדי התיירות המתחדשת הים האדום ו-AMAALA, חגגה הסכם תעופה פורץ דרך. במסגרת השותפות החדשה תפעיל ג'טקס Jetexאת טרמינל התעופה הפרטי בנמל התעופה הבינלאומי הים האדום - Red Sea International Airport (RSI).

שיתוף הפעולה גובש באמצעות הסכם בין Jetex לבין daa International (daai), מפעילת RSI, המסמן פרק חדש בחוויית תעופה יוקרתית יוצאת דופן בחוף המערבי של ערב הסעודית.

Jetex announced as the exclusive operator of Red Sea International Airport's Private Jet Terminal

Jetex to operate RSI's private aviation terminal following agreement with daa International

Riyadh, Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

Red Sea Global (RSG), the developer behind regenerative tourism destinations The Red Sea and AMAALA, has celebrated a landmark aviation agreement. The new partnership will see Jetex operate the private aviation terminal at Red Sea International Airport (RSI).

The collaboration was formalized through an agreement between Jetex and daa International (daai), the operator of RSI, marking a new chapter in exceptional luxury aviation experience on Saudi Arabia’s western coast.

“With RSI, we were determined to create an airport that seamlessly blends beautiful design, exceptional experiences and a commitment to honoring nature. Soon, every passenger transiting through our airport will experience this firsthand. With Jetex onboard, guests using our private aviation terminal will also experience elevated levels of service that reflects the very best of The Red Sea destination,” said John Pagano, Group CEO of Red Sea Global

RSI’s main terminal, set to open fully next year, is designed with five independent ‘mini terminals’ arranged as a series of pods. One of these ‘mini terminals’, is reserved for private aviation and will be operated exclusively by Jetex.

Dubai-based Jetex was selected as the fixed base operator of RSI following a competitive tender process. This is Jetex’s first significant venture into the Saudi market and the agreement will see Jetex first fit-out the private aviation terminal. Jetex’s service offering will cover all aspects of private jet handling including managing the private terminal, aircraft turnarounds, concierge services and luxury electric airport transfers in line with the destination’s sustainability priorities.

Adel Mardini, Founder & CEO of Jetex, said: “Jetex is excited to embark on its first major venture in Saudi Arabia through the innovative Red Sea International Airport, a pioneering project in sustainable tourism. In collaboration with both daa International and Red Sea Global, we aim to transform the airport into a top-tier destination that resonates with the most discerning international and domestic travelers."

With a global reputation for excellence in executive aviation, Jetex brings unparalleled expertise in private terminal operations, aircraft fueling, and ground handling to The Red Sea destination.

Michael White, Chief Commercial Officer of RSI, said: “By partnering with Jetex, we reaffirm our service promise to the world. Together, we will pioneer new global standards in private aviation, consistent with the unparalleled service quality of The Red Sea destination. We look forward to welcoming guests to the private aviation terminal and showcasing its unique design and service.”

Last year, The Red Sea welcomed its first guests, with four of its hotels now open and Desert Rock expecting its first guests later this month. RSI has been receiving a regular schedule of domestic flights since September 2023 and international flights began in April 2024, with a twice-weekly route between The Red Sea and Dubai International. The airport is strategically located, situated within three hours flying time of 250 million people and eight hours flying time for 85% of the world’s population.

About Red Sea Global

Red Sea Global (RSG) is a vertically integrated real estate developer with a diverse portfolio across tourism, residential, experiences, infrastructure, transport, healthcare, and services. This includes the luxury regenerative tourism destinations The Red Sea, which began welcoming guests in 2023, and AMAALA, which remains on track to welcome first guests in 2025.

A third destination, Thuwal Private Retreat, will open this year, and RSG has also been entrusted with refurbishment works at Al Wajh Airport, focused on upgrading the existing terminal and infrastructure, and building a new international terminal.

RSG is a PIF company and a cornerstone of Saudi Arabia’s ambition to diversify its economy. Across its growing portfolio of destinations, subsidiaries and businesses, RSG seeks to lead the world towards a more sustainable future, showing how responsible development can uplift communities, drive economies, and enhance the environment.

Contact details
For more information please contact: 
Jack Williams: Public Relations Director [email protected]

About Jetex

An award-winning global leader in private aviation, Jetex is recognized for delivering flexible, best-in-class solutions to customers worldwide. Jetex provides exceptional private terminals (FBOs), lifestyle concierge and aircraft charter services, as well as fuelling, ground handling and global trip planning. The company caters to both owners and operators of business jets for corporate, commercial and personal air travel.

Press Enquiries:
T: +971 4 212 4900 | E: [email protected]


Indri Halina


[email protected]

*** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית GlobeNewswire

דירוג המאמר:

תגיות של המאמר:

 חיים נוי

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי של סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, לשעבר עורך ראשי של סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים


מאמרים נוספים מאת חיים נוי
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